The Acquisition Network is a product and service created to help business buyers acquire the information they need and to connect with like minded buyers on their time not the brokers. We created an interactive feed of listings where buyers can connect, tag, and share with others that they works with all on an easy to use desktop and mobile app.
The buyer network also comes with a network of consultants that can be hired to hand pick listings to groups or to scale successful business models and investment opportunities.
The Acquisition Network created an MVP product that connects the following markets.
Business Listings – Social Media – Education – SaaS All for a one time fee of $100.Â
By becoming a buyer on this platform you can access to a network of businesses, services and profitable revenue streams that you can leverage and use to grow. There also is a job board an a transparent talent management system that you can use to hire staff to fill the gaps for your grow businesses.
Here is a quick demo that explains how the Acquisition Buyer Network works.
For more information Schedule a Free Demo at
The Future of Doing Business is Now.

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