Over 30 years of plastic surgery center upland california
This fully staffed turnkey Inland Empire area ambulatory surgical center and multi-specialty cosmetic practice is housed in an extraordinarily attractive location adjacent to a major medical plaza in upland california. The facility has 2 large reception area, 2 spacious state-of-the-art operating rooms, a 4-bay recovery room, 6 exam rooms, 3 offices, 3 rest rooms with changing areas and a surgeon shower and more.
The location is AAAHC accredited licensure and the necessary equipment for plastic, bariatric, orthopedic, ENT surgery, pain medicine.
The practice has 2 anesthesia machines, 2 surgical beds, 3 operator’s recovery room beds, medical office beds, central vacuum, battery, generator. Over 40 years of medical history with current owner owning it for over 23 years. Over 30,000 procedures performed..