Dry Cleaners in Riverside County
1. (Plant)
Retail Sales: $36,500 monthly avg
Expense (Total: $25,550): Rent: $9,800, Payroll: $9,000( 3FT) including tax, Utility $2,500, Insurance: $500, Credit Card Fee $800, Payroll Tax $500, Internet $250, Supply $1,200, etc $1,000
Net Income: $10,950
2. ( Agency)
Retail Sales: $38,500 monthly avg
Expense (Total: $23,590): Rent: $8,800, Payroll: $9,000(3FT), $2,000 (1pt) including tax, Utility $100, Insurance: $500, Credit Card Fee $800, Payroll Tax $800, Internet $90, Alteration fee $1,500
Net Income: $14,910
Operation: Help run
General Information
Total Monthly Sales: $75,000 AVG
Total Net Income: $25,800 AVG
Open Hours:
Plant: Mon-Fri: 7 am–6 pm | Sat: 8 am–4 pm | Sun: Closed
Agency: Mon-Fri: 7 am–6 pm | Sat: 8 am–4 pm | Sun: Closed
Owner Involvement: Management and oversee the operation.
Equipment: Mint Condition.
Loan Approved: SBA-qualified.
Location: Both are situated in busy shopping centers conveniently located nearby.