Medical/Cosmetic Practice in Premier Medical Building–REDUCED PRICE
This established practice in West Los Angeles/Brentwood combines an full-service Family Medicine practice with a cosmetic medical practice Both are under the supervision of the physician but the cosmetic practice has separate management and staffing. Thus the cosmetic practice is able to operate even when the physician is not present. This cosmetic practice operates with a split-shift 10 hours per day and 7 days per week.
The medical practice accepts Medicare and all private insurance payments while the cosmetic services are on a cash (including credit cards and checks) basis only. These two separate streams act to maximize income revenues.
The medical practice provides standard family practice care in addition to IV vitamin drips, supplements, herbs and trigger point injections.
The cosmetic programs include laser hair removal, facials, skin tightening, Botox injections, fillers including Restyline.