One of my clients said. This sounds like a great idea.. But why hasn’t anyone done this before? Here’s an example. An AI company in Japan that helps people get deals done.
They purchased 33 companies in Q4 Last year. With +400 in their pipeline.
The company is worth over 1.5 Billion in just 4 years. In Japan, the market is 1/3rd the size of the USA. If you look at their site you’ll see. No training, no social network. No app.
Just an AI for smart people in Japan and they’re making a fortune.
Now imagine a similar concept in the states but with a social network that allows people to join for $100/yr. Our product is going to change the course of human history.
Yes, will will have AI to automate the process. For now, we just need to keep raising money for marketing. There are dozens of M/A Programs available.
Only one company brands itself as the Social Media for Business.
Betting against our success is like ignoring Jeff Bezos in 99.
There are trillions in equity available to acquire companies.
We built the best technology and marketing solution available on the market today to acquire companies faster.
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