We created an automated system for buying businesses. Most listing sites divide business buyers. We created an app to bring buyers together. We created an interactive feed where business buyers can like, comment and share for the purpose of mergers and acquisitions.
When you and a group of buyers wants to schedule a time to speak to a seller. We can place the meeting on a shared calendar where your team all gets notifications.
Most listing sites have you deal with dozens of brokers. We’ll do that for you.
Our app allows you to connect with multiple buyers in your niche so you can leverage sellers to give you the best deals. The app lets you do video conferences with 48 members. By connecting with other buyers with our system sellers will have no choice but to give us their business.
Unlike most listing sites that focus on collecting your data to sell to random brokers. We created a system where we empower you to get in front of motivated sellers while also collecting the necessary information to feel comfortable making the decision.
If you’re interested in learning more about our app and network.
Visit us as AcquisitioNetwork.io to schedule a Free Demo.
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