The next company paid me $10,000. In 120 days I was able to produce 387K for the company and secured the founder an investor that allowed him go from working out of a small home office to a professional corporate office in Miami. During this campaign I was able to successfully train 4 other consultants to continue delivering the company clients. The client has decided to remain anonymous but we have signed contracts, back statements and meeting recordings to verify the success of this campaign.Â

The success of this campaign was significant because it was the first time I was able to produce a multiple 6 figure return on investment with copywriting. It also showed that we had a process that could be replicated in multiple industries. Now I needed to find the next client.
Now I built an app to automate my proven process that I started three years ago. The app transparently connects buyers, sellers and consultants into a single interactive feed.
The app also comes with a shared crm, workgroups, task management system, chats and drive. The system is designed to get you in front of more buyers and sales people.

The cost to list your business is free and the cost to join the network is just $100.
Interested in learning more? Visit us at Schedule a free demo today.
The Future of Doing Business is Now.

Want to Buy, Sell, or Grow a Company?