One of the things in my opinion that holds back a lot of consulting training is the fact that they provide great, scripted material and training content but they don’t tell their students where to go fishing. They leave it wide open.
Having a consulting script is great but if you don’t know what niche to work in you’re lost. I bought plenty of programs that left me feeling like this. Years later after jumping niches dozens of times I finally figured mine out.
I’m a software founder that can consult a buyer, seller or consultant with a $100 product. The product helps consultants pick from multiple proven niches. The app helps consultants get in front of buyers, connect with sellers. Get trained and start making calls.
All within the app. Not just a video course. Literally a system to set you up to be more successful. We have leads sitting in a CRM you can start calling. With proven niches.
Jacob made 30K with trucking alone last month. We have 8 training videos. Trucking is just one. For $100 you get access to everything.
Choose which industries suit you best.
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