We have two partners to help us vet deals. Quincy our VC/ represents all of our buyers. He knows exactly what criteria they are looking for in order to get funded. The sweet spot for our investors is companies from 1.9 Million to 3 Million because these are companies that realistically can be doubled in 2-3 years which can be used to pay off a 24-36 month loan.Â
Our other partner Chris also knows how to vet the deals. Chris worked for a large QSR firm where his job was to add cash flow/ equity to the company. He was completely industry agnostic; his job was to find profitable companies and add to the greater entity. He’s doing the same thing for you and our group. Together Chris and Quincy form the perfect team to vet the deals. They have gone through thousands of deals over the past decade.
Last week we recorded a meeting with the two of them going through 10 deals in one hour. During this meeting, you’ll see what deals are a good fit for our investors and which ones are not. Us going through these deals is the basis of Acquisitions Automation. Rather than spending monthly of your time looking for deals only to find out that they aren’t fundable you can invest into our current pipeline and watch exactly how we’re doing it for you.Â
Our model is to show and not just tell. Anyone can sell you a course. We’re showing you exactly how to do it, doing it for you so you truly learn what the process is from start to finish.
Thanks to our app and training programs we can use this documented process to recruit salespeople to do the work for you so you can focus on being an owner, operator, and investor.
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