We project being able to buy you a company in 6-8 months. Obviously, we’re just launching the app and offer so this is speculation. Based on the results of a similar company in Japan streamlined acquisition tech deals take 6 months. The faster we’re able to raise money for the software and train a network of salespeople e the faster we’ll be able to deliver these companies to our network of clients.
When we acquire the company you will be awarded 20% equity in the business that will be worth more than the 50K you invested to get it. You can sell that equity for cash immediately to recoup your investment or you can hold on to that equity for 3-5 years to use as your retirement fund. We’ll also be able to pay you 2.5-5K/month per business that we acquire for you once we get the deal done in 6-8 months.
Acquisitions Automation is not a get-rich-quick model it’s a be-rich forever system. If you need to see a quick return on your money we would not recommend this program for you. Acquisitions Automation is for people that have liquidity or savings. We don’t want to work with people that have to take out loans for the offer that will be stressed by monthly payments. If you need to take out a loan for this offer we recommend purchasing our trucking program where for 50K we can get you 4k/month in 90 days or our 10K Acquisition Consultant program where we can deliver you a profitable return in 2-4 months.
Acquisitions Automation is not for everyone. It’s for people that are truly tired of working for the man and want to set up a long-term strategy to retire for good and have the ability to create real wealth on demand.
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