You can get 10% equity in a company without having millions simply by connecting a motivated seller to a private equity group liquid for hundreds of millions. Our compensation for delivering the deal is equity and cash flow. Our main private equity group the Hanson Club normally charges $26,500 for access to his group, lawyers, investors, and training.
At this price point, students get up to 40% equity in a 1-5 million dollar business.
After making calls for months I found that many people could not afford his program.
So I decided to create an offer that helped more people get involved with private equity.
The Acquisition Accelerator. For just $1,000. We’re offering to teach you exactly how to bring deals to these groups. Securing you 10% equity for getting the deal done.
You don’t need credit. You don’t need millions of dollars. You just need a willingness to learn.
You need to do the work. If that’s you. We can teach you how to own a profitable company.
Interested in learning more? Join the Acquisition Accelerator program today.
Schedule a Free Consultation Today to Learn More.
The Future of Doing Business is Now
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