Traditional Marketplace sites typically charge the seller a flat fee for a buyer’s phone number and email. I know this all too well. They charge anywhere from $25-$45 per lead.
You call the buyer and they say “hey sorry which one is it? I clicked on a lot of these.”
You paid $45 for someone to be shopping around. Now you have to send emails, follow up and chase people. I’ve been doing this for almost 4 years. I’ve generated 5 million. I only close 2% of my leads. I can spend $5,000 to get 100 leads close to $28,000 and that’s how I make money. But failing at 98% is a lot of work. Who wants to chase unwanted buyers around?
I decided to create an easier way for both parties. Instead of chasing people for 28K
Why not offer buyers a better solution for $100? Offer them an interactive feed so now they don’t get random calls from strangers. Now they can just like and comment on the deals they want. They can have great group chats with other buyers.
Now the seller can spend money on marketing while making profit instead of spending money and chasing people around. Imagine spending $45 on a lead and it doubling and now more people are looking at your 28K offer?
The was created to change the way that people buy and sell businesses. If you are a seller we can help you get more customers.
Joining the network is just a one time payment of $100.
Schedule a free demo today.
The Future of Doing Business is Now.

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