We created a social feed for buyers and sellers to help you get more deals done. We understand how hard it is to run a business. That’s why we created an app that puts you in position to get in front of more buyers and sales people for just the one time payment of $100.
No ongoing ad spend or listing fees. Post your opportunity for free. Join our app.
Network with buyers and sellers. Create private chats and schedule video calls inside.
We believe this will become the social media for business.
Our app transparently connects buyers, sellers and consultants to get more deals done. Now buyers don’t have to give their information to a bunch of random brokers.
They just make a one time payment and now they get access to a bunch of unique deals and a network of other buyers they can speak with.
We can tag your listings so buyers can use the search engine for identify your industry. We are using technology to help people get more deals done.
Joining is just the one time payment of $100.
If you’re interested in learning more about the AcquistioNetworK.io
Schedule a Free Demo Today.
The Future of Doing Business is Now.
Want to Buy, Sell, or Grow a Company?