Someone came to me unhappy with the M/A course he purchased. He agreed to pay the company 1,500/month for a year. Sure it has great information. But he came to me with a problem. He doesn’t have access to investors to get the deal he has closed.
He bought a course without a team. What good is that? So now you have the information.
But if you’re not a natural entrepreneur, networking, or salesperson. How many people will you have around you to support the process of getting the deal done?
I’ve been working online for 9.5 years. I’ve built multiple teams. I’ve seen them collapse. I’ve rebuilt them. I’ve learned how to find the right people to support my goals. I’ve hired/fired over 33 people spending over 1.5 Million in the past 2 years. When you purchase the Acquisition Consultant program.
You get access to my active and future team to support you. Now you don’t have to worry about investors. You have me that already made the calls. You don’t have to worry about how to look at the deals.
Now you’ll have Chris to speak to that has completed 140 transactions.
If you need a website? Frosty has made over 300 and this has been his only salary for +2 years.
Need a VA? I lived in the Philippines and have been paying my assistant that speaks perfect English for over 3.
I have everything that you need. When it comes to creating a team to help you buy companies.
The hardest thing about making money online is having people to support you that you can trust with proven results. You get all that and more when you join our program.
We have weekly meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays where we go over deal flow and marketing. On those calls, you’ll meet my team and my network of clients.
We have had recordings of these collaborative calls for over a year. We’re all working together.
Stop buying courses that don’t give you real support.
Start investing in software companies with a real system to help you get deals done.
Interested in learning more?
Schedule a Free Consultation Today to Learn More.
The Future of Doing Business is Now

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