The more presentations I make for this product the more I know it’s going to change the course of human history. There is no one-stop shop for Acquisitions education with a team, system, and marketing funnel built in one.
I compare what we’re doing to what did.Â
The company was founded by one man on a mission to innovate marketing for spiritual coaches. He built an app. It costs $100/yr to join. When downloading, students get access to a massive library of spiritual coaches and content creators.Â
MindValley currently makes $74 Million/yr.Â
Imagine if we were able to create a similar model but for Acquisitions.Â
We already have 5 M/A coaches that have collectively completed over 350 transactions. We do 8 figures annually to simply gain access to our app.Â
Our coaches will be creating billion-dollar portfolios.Â
The Acquisition Network will become the one-stop shop for buying a business.Â
Where to learn, who to hire, how to find partners, how to get a job.Â
We have everything. From $100/yr to $250,000. We can help.Â
There is No Social Media for Business.
The Future of Doing Business is Now.
Join us today.

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