When we acquire a company our goal is to pay off the debt in 2-3 years so we can have time to grow and resell by year 5. Faison Capital has access to several 9-figure exit buyers. We’ll be able to add your company to a roll-up buyout resulting in an exponential return.Â
Example: Buy a company at 3 Million and get 20%. Grow the company to 10 Million and add to a group of 20 companies sold for 200 Million. Your 20% is worth +2 Million in 5 years.Â
We’re offering to set 100 clients up with this wealth strategy until we raise 5 million for the service and product. After this capital is raised we’ll be able to successfully recruit 1,000s of salespeople and companies to join our platform directly creating a pipeline of hundreds of companies to acquire. After successfully delivering on the first 100 we’ll always have a network of investors that we can draw capital from to build out the software, open offices and improve performance. Eventually, we’ll only be offering this service to corporations or wealthy investors spending millions at a time for our service.Â
Here is our build-out strategy in detail
- 5 Million | 100 Companies
- Use Funnel to Capture 1,000 consultants/ companies
- Complete development – App Store/ Free Platform
- 2-4 Offices
- Take Company Public in 2-4 years
We believe that our technology has the capability of going public just like any other tech company like Facebook, Amazon, Youtube, and Snapchat. The only difference is the more capital we raise the more assets we’ll be able to acquire which will exponentially increase the value of the software and company. All of these tech companies will eventually hire us to manage this process for them that way they can focus on product development instead of vetting deals and managing financing.Â
We believe there is no social media for business and for 50K you can be our partner to help us make this vision a reality. Interested in buying a cash-flowing company?
Interested in learning more?

Want to Buy, Sell, or Grow a Company?