Every Wednesday at 4 pm PST we have what is known as the All Hands Meeting where we bring together our team with potential clients to see how we’re building the company while also connecting with seasoned references. Many clients get the “ah ha” feeling after attending these meetings realizing that we aren’t attempting to sell them anything instead inviting them to a collective group created to automate the process of buying and selling companies.
We have documented these meetings for over a year. If you decided to purchase the Fundraising Matrix we’ll give you the archive of all of our meetings so you can see exactly how we’ve been developing the funnel and how we’ve gone through 33 hires 1.2 Million in spending to find the current team available to manage the system for you.
In addition to the All Hands Meetings, we have tech/sales meetings at 9 am PST for those that want to be more involved in operations. We also have M/A meetings with Quincy and Chris at 7 am PST on Tuesday but those are not yet available to the public. We record these meetings so you can see exactly how the three partners are developing the automated acquisitions pipeline. In addition to these meetings, we also have the Fundraising Matrix workgroup where we upload several recordings/ presentations every day. We currently have over 2,000 recordings archived in the Matrix and counting. We offer an open window into our company so you can have the comfort and freedom to help us scale the process.
Join us at our next All Hands Meeting at 4 pm PST on Wednesday.
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Want to Buy, Sell, or Grow a Company?